Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A Rogers Family 4th... of July

Hey everybody... I'm heading out of town for a couple of weeks with my youth group for a mission trip in the Cleveland area. i promised some folks that I would do my best to get some new Chloe pics on the blog before I got out of town. So... for your viewing pleasure... here's "A Rogers Family 4th... of July"!

Chloe chillin' in the baby papa san chair.

She always makes the funniest faces, and she squirms all over the place.

Here's Chloe sleepin' as usual.

With pics like these, there will probably be another addition to the Rogers family pretty soon!

Kevin mastered the grill this year with the drunken chicken topped with a little red pepper hat and delicious burgers and dogs. I must say they were amazing!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Chloe Grace is Born!

Hey everybody... I'm not gonna take up a bunch of time with writing 'cause I know that everyone really just wants to see the baby, but I'll bore you with a few facts. Chloe was born on Mother's Day, May 14, at 12:16pm. She weighed 6lbs. and 9oz. and measured 19in. long. Jami was amazing in the delivery room! She had Chloe all natural and in only 3 pushes! Incredible! Now... to the pics. Enjoy!

Chloe and Uncle Mikey... awwww!

That's a lotta hair!

I can never find cool hats like that anywhere.

Proud grandparents

Happy Mother's Day! I'll never be able to top this one. Gosh!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Let Us Decompose

This past week I've been studying the first chapter of Genesis in preparation for a youth class that I'm teaching. One of the points that I've been thinking a lot about is how God created everything in our world with his spoken word, "fiat". At that moment, he created the foundation for everything. Therefore, all the things that we "create" as humans are really products of what already exists. Anyway, I ran across this article in Relevant Magazine and I love the author's take on our desire to "create". So, here it is. Enjoy.

Let Us Decompose
Mike Duran

G.K. Chesterton said, “Art is the signature of man.” Some believe men rose from monkeys. But let the record show, monkeys have no interest in sketching men. It is precisely our urge to sketch monkeys, which separates us from them. As the apologist wrote, if man was “an ordinary product of biological growth, like any other beast or bird, then it is all the more extraordinary that he was not in the least like any other beast or bird.” When ancient man first dipped his thumb into the blood of berries and scraped that red swath across cool granite, he distanced himself from elks and orangutans.

Human history is one of composition. Of course, we’ve come a long way from dancing reindeer and stick men on blackened cave walls. Today, the cave walls are digital and the stick men dance in cyberspace. But whether it’s Mozart or 50 Cent, Rembrandt or Warhol, Aesop or Spielberg, the urge to compose—to create new beings and worlds, new stories and songs—is unique to us. We write, paint, carve and mold; we sit hunched over parchments and tape recorders, laptops and canvas, searching for the right word, the right sound, the right image, yearning to rise above our earthly origins and distance ourselves from elks and orangutans.

Yet the creative spark reveals more about us than just our dissimilarity to animals. In a way, all composition is really decomposition. The word “decompose” simply means “to separate into components or basic elements.” It is to categorize, quantify, sort and stack; it is to break something down to its lowest common denominator.

In reality, we never really create anything: we reassemble existing parts, cut and paste objects and ideas from the known world, reshuffle the deck. Even abstracts are just extracts of the ordinary. I mean, when was the last time a new primary color was invented or a missing musical note discovered? Genuine originality, it’s been said, is rare. I’d venture to say, it’s extinct, dead with the first chisel strike or quill stroke. “There’s nothing new under the sun,” King Solomon said, without crediting his source. Maybe this is why plotlines follow the same basic patterns. Prime time TV is a constant karmic retread of new faces trapped in the same tired tales. Even Hollywood, the summit of artistic inclination, cannot rise above the remake. Musicians are judged by who they sound like (part Bob, Beck and Bruce), actors by who they look like (she’s got Jessica’s hair, Nicole’s eyes and Angelina’s lips) and books by how they read (think Harry Potter with a dash of Steele). Even fantasy worlds look like ours and superheroes like us—with a little tweaking. All our creations are re-creations, omelettes whipped up from yesterday’s leftovers.

For all our ingenuity and technical advances, no matter how many edits and remakes, we cannot rise above the Story Board. We are as fixed to its laws as Frodo is to Middle Earth. We stitch and sketch, dream up and hammer out, but we cannot transcend.

“In the beginning, God created ...” He composed. He assembled parts ex nihilo, “out of nothing.” He spread out the canvas and drew His thumb across the celestial swath. We live in that Composition, on that Canvas; we are the parts He assembled. Herein lies our glory and our deficiency.

We create because we are like Him, but we cannot create like Him.

Unlike God, we cannot make something from nothing. Everything we shape, form, order and arrange requires something else. Like a celluloid hero, the laws of the medium bind us. Poets need language and its laws, for without it their craft is made moot. Some musical forms may push the boundaries, but sour notes are not tolerable—even by the most sophisticated. Architecture can be innovative, as long as the foundation is solid. Characters can be fresh, as long as they are believable. Art must correspond to Reality—in fact, it cannot do anything but that.

If art is the signature of man, as Chesterton suggested, then man is the signature of God. And every film, song, poem or novel, no matter how tired or twisted, is an echo of His original act. So let us borrow, bleed and recast the old, tell the Tale a thousand times over. Let us crush the berries, raise the chisel and strike up the band, for tonight we decompose.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Labor Day? What is Labor Day anyway?

So... is it just me or is anyone else asking the question, "What is Labor Day?" I've been thinking about it all day long. Are we celebrating the fact that we are cursed by God to work for the rest of our lives by taking the day off. If so, that's pretty funny. Anyway, I did a little research. Here's what the U.S. Department of Labor has to say about the history of Labor Day:

Labor Day: How it Came About; What it Means

"Labor Day differs in every essential way from the other holidays of the year in any country," said Samuel Gompers, founder and longtime president of the American Federation of Labor. "All other holidays are in a more or less degree connected with conflicts and battles of man's prowess over man, of strife and discord for greed and power, of glories achieved by one nation over another. Labor devoted to no man, living or dead, to no sect, race, or nation."

Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.

Thank you U.S. Department of Labor for the history and the day off. Now, we can sleep peacefully knowing that we have honored those who have built a bunch of cool stuff in our nation.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

From Venice with Love

sorry for the delay in the blogging recently. there is much to tell so here we go. here's a pic of me when I finally got my luggage in Venice. it took five days for it to get to us. it seriously felt like a lifetime, but, honestly, it makes for a good story. thinking back on it now it was pretty funny. you just had to get used to wearing the same clothes for five days. (the worst part about that was we were seated with some attractive, single ladies for dinner through the week. so we just had to let our overwhelming charm and witty humor compensate for our lack of fashion. after a couple of nights, however, we NEEDED our luggage. you know what i mean? here's a couple of pics of the ladies. meet tanya and tanya, from montreal, and danielle, from NC.) Regardless, Venice was absolutely AMAZING and we got to stay overnight there. here's some pics from Venice. the first is of one of the gondalieres, the guys who navigate the gondolas, who were so cool. and a shot of the grand canal from the Rialta bridge with some gondolas and the beautiful architecture. Ahhhh.... so beautiful.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

cruisin' the mediterranean

here's a couple of pics taken from the balcony of our cabin on the ship. the view was absolutely amazing. i spent several mornings on the balcony reading and taking in the scenery. the whole time we were on the mediterranean i couldn't help but think about the fact that the Apostle Paul sailed these same waters over 2,000 years ago. during part of the trip i was rereading "blue like jazz" (one of my personal favorites). donald miller's writing style kept causing me to put myself in the shoes (or sandals) of Paul and wonder what it would be like to be sailing on these waters so long ago. i thought about what kinds of things i would encounter; the difficulties and trials in rome, the people who would hear about the gospel for the first time, the conversations on mars hill. then, i finished the book and realized that i was completely incapable of thinking that way on my own. i tried it again and i just couldn't do it without the encouragement from donald miller. i love his writing. i hear he has some new stuff out now. i'll have to check it out so i can learn to dream again. anyway, loved the book... loved the cabin... loved the trip. more tomorrow on how to survive on a cruise ship in europe without luggage for 5 days. it's gonna be a good one. don't miss it. much love.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

let the blogging begin

hey everybody in blogger land. it's mikey... and the leaning tower of pisa. pretty cool, huh? there's so much to tell about the summer and the sweet trip to europe, but for now i just wanted to give you a little taste and let you know that more is coming. there is love for you all. especially all those wasssuuppp mans!